personal trainer

The Simple Guide to Creatine

Creatine pronounced (Kre’ah-tin) is becoming increasingly popular in the health and fitness supplements market. No doubt you’ve heard of it but it’s unlikely that initially you’ll have any idea of what it is or why it could help you achieve more and reach your goals.

Creatine is a supplement to primary increase muscle size, it’s not a weight loss supplement, creatine should be taken as per suppliers recommend guidelines together with a structured exercise programme for increasing muscle size and a balanced healthy diet.

It’s worth noting that it will only have any effect if you do indeed work out, it will have no effect if taken on it’s own without working out, other than increasing the amount of Creatine stored in your body which is useless as you are not working out.

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How Much Protein do Women Need?

Using protein supplements is often seen only necessary for males or those looking to gain huge bulk in muscle. However this is untrue as we all require protein in varying amounts depending on the demands we put on the body. Often the amount of protein our bodies require from training is more than what we can provide in our everyday diet. To enable full recovery of our muscle and maximize muscle growth that will tone and define, protein supplements might well be the answer. Here is a quick guide to protein for women.

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3 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Is having a personal trainer a luxury? well sure it’s easy to come to this conclusion when for many, it’s expensive and something they don’t have to have. For years personal training has indeed been seen as a luxury reserved for the high income individual or celebrity but that’s just not the case anymore. The personal training market is booming, there are many more personal trainers than there once were, for the consumer this generally means cheaper and more choice when it comes to hiring a personal trainer.

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Why Breakfast Is The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating breakfast is nothing new, I’m sure you have heard it all before, it’s likely someone has told you “you really should eat breakfast if you want to lose weight” a smart person they are too. The advice is often not received and I am baffled as to why? It makes no sense not to eat breakfast, well perhaps it’s knowledge that is the problem so let me help fill that gap and hopefully make some better decisions with your diet & nutrition.

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4 Reasons why you should be Stretching

Stretching is thought of as a component of warm ups and cool downs and indeed, it plays an important role in these phases of preparing the body for actions about to take place during a workout and lengthening muscles post workout back towards their original state. However Stretching is not just a component of warm up and cool downs, its a fundamental component of ‘fitness’ thus true fitness is not achieved through muscle building and aerobic exercise alone. 

Depending on your goal, be it health related, function or for sport and performance, flexibility training will play an important role in all these. Adaptations to FITT principles, Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type to achieve the desired result. 


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Busy people workout everyday!

One of the most used excuses for not exercising and working out has to be ‘ I don’t have enough time’ Well, with an attitude like that you’ll never get in your workout gear! 

Time is the most precious commodity we possess and it’s never we don’t have enough of it, just we don’t know how to get the most out of it. The truth is we get done what we WANT to and make time for what we WANT to. The truth about the seasoned excuse “I don’t have time to exercise” is not that at all, it’s that you have-not made it a priority. If you did, you’d be in your running shows and already out the door and back before your procrastinating self has finished telling you why you should be working out yet you’re still arguing you don’t have enough time, not today!

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Ditch the gym in January! Hire a Personal Trainer

Every January we make the same mistakes! Gyms & health clubs love it, they gain and they don’t really care if you stay (they’ve got you in a contract anyway) sometimes up to 18 or 24 months! That’s along time, not to mention the monthly gym fee. It’s even more demoralising when many signed up will rarely stick with it past January.

When you go to sign up at a gym, the question you need to ask yourself is; “what do I want to gain?’. For some, a gym might suit them, if you are relatively self motivated and able to plan your own workouts, you’ll be able to socialise and use expensive gym equipment. If, however you have specific goal, are not very motivated and struggle to find the willpower to workout. Don’t waste your money on an expensive gym contract, you know what is going to happen and the only one who gains, is the gym. The whole point is that YOU gain, YOU benefit and YOU reach your goals.

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