
How Much Protein do Women Need?

Using protein supplements is often seen only necessary for males or those looking to gain huge bulk in muscle. However this is untrue as we all require protein in varying amounts depending on the demands we put on the body. Often the amount of protein our bodies require from training is more than what we can provide in our everyday diet. To enable full recovery of our muscle and maximize muscle growth that will tone and define, protein supplements might well be the answer. Here is a quick guide to protein for women.

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WHY you don’t have time to exercise!

Finding the time to do things that you want to and need to do, can be one of the hardest things we have to plan around. A busy job and long hours don’t really help us either, if you want to exercise, if you want to get fit and if you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle then “I don’t have time to exercise” is just not good enough. It’s essentially a decision already made up, the statement implies you have little intention to try or plan to exercise. The truth is the things in life we do, we do because we want to do them and therefore have MADE time to do them. If you want to do something, you need to make the time to do it.

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Why you shouldn’t weigh yourself every day

How often do you weigh yourself? Is it a benchmark for your activity & lifestyle decisions? If you are trying to lose weight, no doubt very regularly, you weigh yourself. Looking down at that all important number, if it’s high, your heart sinks and if it’s low, you feel over the moon. 

But, are we looking at the right number?

Many factors influence your weight, it’s important to understand what else is going on and how this might affect your weight before we evaluate our performance on one lonely piece of data.

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3 Reasons to Get a Workout Buddy

Starting a new fitness regime and eating healthy can be tough, especially at the start. The hardest part is motivating yourself to get up and go! Exercising with a friend is proven to improve exercise adherence, meaning you will stick to your training for longer and achieve better results. Simply arranging to meet your friend at the gym, the park or at a Personal Training Session will make you emotionally accountable with a social contract, you will be much less likely to let your friend or trainer down.

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Why Exercising in the Cold Burns more Calories

Getting out and exercising in winter when the nights draw in can take some motivation, it’s a real test to your exercise regime once the weather becomes unfavorable. Colder weather can prevent you getting out of the front door. and going on you normal run or getting to your local group exercise session. However, we must remember that it’s a god thing! Colder weather burns more calories.

This is because your core temperature remains the same, rarely moving 1 degree away from the average body temperature of 36.2 degrees. In order to achieve this when the environment is much colder than our core temperature, heat promoting mechanisms are activated, all exchange of heat happens through radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation. Your shell acts like a temperature gauge & a warning system for this heat promoting mechanism allowing them to trigger when shell temperature drops.


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4 Reasons why you should be Stretching

Stretching is thought of as a component of warm ups and cool downs and indeed, it plays an important role in these phases of preparing the body for actions about to take place during a workout and lengthening muscles post workout back towards their original state. However Stretching is not just a component of warm up and cool downs, its a fundamental component of ‘fitness’ thus true fitness is not achieved through muscle building and aerobic exercise alone. 

Depending on your goal, be it health related, function or for sport and performance, flexibility training will play an important role in all these. Adaptations to FITT principles, Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type to achieve the desired result. 


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Are you fit enough for Skiing & Snowboarding?

Ok, we might only go skiing or snowboarding once a year, but let’s be honest, it’s normally quite a hard week or two of physical exercise. It’s an exciting holiday and something we can really only do once a year, so maybe it seems we don’t really need to train for these one or two weeks in the snow. I’m sure many of us have been on a winter holiday before without any real training, including myself, but let’s look at how we can benefit from training before our winter holiday on the slopes.

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What Size Fitness Ball Do I Need?

Fitness balls are very popular, from specific stability ball classes to casual gym use and personal training sessions, they provide an excellent platform to work out our core muscles. To get the most out of fitness ball exercises,  you should make sure you have the correct size. The correct sized fitness ball is vital for good technique and posture during your workout. T his guide will show how to select the correct size fitness ball.

Ok, so you are in the gym looking at the fitness ball rack and there are small, medium and large sized fitness balls. So which do you need, in this article you will find out how to select the correct sized fitness ball for you.

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Busy people workout everyday!

One of the most used excuses for not exercising and working out has to be ‘ I don’t have enough time’ Well, with an attitude like that you’ll never get in your workout gear! 

Time is the most precious commodity we possess and it’s never we don’t have enough of it, just we don’t know how to get the most out of it. The truth is we get done what we WANT to and make time for what we WANT to. The truth about the seasoned excuse “I don’t have time to exercise” is not that at all, it’s that you have-not made it a priority. If you did, you’d be in your running shows and already out the door and back before your procrastinating self has finished telling you why you should be working out yet you’re still arguing you don’t have enough time, not today!

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How to start a morning exercise habit

The idea of working out first thing might seem to some like a horrible idea and far away from where you want to be, tucked up warm in your bed! however, research shows that when you exercise in the morning, you’ll be more likely to stick to it and create a habit for a lifetime. This will transform your health, improve your happiness, mood, outlook & overall well being. There’s also something really quite rewarding from getting up and completing a workout before most have had breakfast! If that’s not enough, the whole routine of getting up early and getting to it might surprise you just how much you can actually achieve before breakfast.

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