Want to burn more calories? Get up earlier!


No I’m not talking about a midnight snack of chocolate & crisps! As soon as we are up and about our energy systems fire up, yet until we have something to eat our metabolism won’t truly fire up. If you get up early but miss out breakfast, you’re missing an opportunity! 

If you get up an hour earlier every day, you’ll be burning more calories and having an early breakfast will kick start your metabolism, you’ll have more go and feel less tired. Not to mention you’ll also be on time for work! Add it up that’s 6-7 hours every week extra activity! That’s a lot and it can make a big difference.

Remember metabolism only works when you eat and when you move, to keep it high you need to do both! This is where most dieters have huge problems, as they simply reduce calories and reduce frequency. This has the reverse effect, actually slowing metabolism and burning less calories, so get up, have breakfast and get moving. Simple!

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