Blood Pressure Monitoring and Testing

Remember going to the doctors and having the blood pressure cuff put on your arm, makes you feel a little nervous and sometimes increases your blood pressure just thinking about it, that cuff and the machine or hand pump it’s connected to measures your blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your arteries, the transport system that takes your blood from your heart to your brain and the rest of your body.

Your Blood Pressure readings are taken and recorded as part of the Kiss Fitness Health MOT, part of the personal training consultation.

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Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) Test

While body mass index (BMI) is a good way to tell if you’re a healthy weight. This does not however tell us much about where the fat is stored which can be a greater concern to our health. We store spare body fat under the skin, and also around the vital organs in our abdomen. We now know that this fat around the abdomen causes more health problems than, say, fat carried around the bottom or on the thighs. Having a large amount of tummy fat (when compared to having fat around the bottom or thighs) makes you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and heart problems. If you carry excess weight around your abdomen, that means you’re an “apple” shape. Those who carry excess fat around the bottom and thighs are “pear” shaped.

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Stability Discs

The Stability Disc is a functional piece of fitness equipment that can enhance and increase the intensity of many exercises while being the sole training platform for training core muscles and strengthening ankle and knee joints. Also commonly known as a Stability Pod or Balance Pod, these simple air filled plastic discs are excellent for training all aspects of balance and coordination.

Stability Discs are light and extremely portable, ideal for our Mobile Personal Trainers. Using the Stability Discs enables our trainers to add variety, increase intensity and expand exercise possibilities with one simple piece of kit. 

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Resistance Bands & Tubes

Resistance bands and tubes are one of the most basic and simple exercise tools on the market, they are extremely effective and can be used with a wide variety of exercises, they range in resistance and type making them adaptable to clients needs.

It’s a no brianer that our trainers love bands and tubes, super light making them highly portable yet highly effective.

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The BOSU Balance Trainer

Today, BOSU’s are used by fitness professionals and enthusiasts all over the globe as an innovative approach to functional training, expanding so many existing exercises into dynamic and progressive exercises that expand movement capabilities.

It might look like half a Fitness Ball, but it’s highly effective at functional training., that’s why it great for Mobile Personal Training. Although it’s not the smallest thing to carry around it portable enough to bring to clients homes and very little space is needed for a good workout. It’s defiantly one of our trainer’s favourite bits of kit.

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What is the TRX Suspension Trainer?

For many, the TRX Suspension Trainer might be new to you and this might be the first time you have herd of it, well lets introduce this invaluable piece of kit, it was born in the US military driven through the need for marines to be able to continue to train while in war zones or held up in safe houses.

The piece of kit that the founder of this product ‘Randy Hetrick’ and his team had produced enabled them to train anywhere, therefore enabling to stay in shape and fit for their roles as US Navy Seals. The product has been much refined since it’s early days when it was just some lengths of parachute webbing stitched together. Today TRX Suspension Trainer’s are at the forefront of fitness innovation providing a cost effective tool that can be used in so many locations and using only body weight for an all over body workout. It;s no wonder it has been so popular with personal trainers across the globe.

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