I did it!
I love a challenge, and even better when it’s for charity. I am, however, not the best runner but I’m always up for a challenge and this challenge definitely gave me the motivation to kickstart January. So the challenge was to run 26.2 miles in January in whichever way you can. An achievable one and I were definitely planning on doing more than that and I’m glad to say that I did.
Charities have had a tough run of it over the past 12 months as the Corona Virus pandemic restricted events that would normally raise millions for charities. I’m very impressed with how these charities have adapted in trying circumstances to encourage fundraising, all be it on our own, yet together, in community and shared interest.
I will be highlighting monthly charity challenges on my website and along side my monthly challenges as these really are fantastic ways of keeping fit, getting out and making some money for charity while we are at it.
I clocked up a total of 45.5 miles during this challenge, I’m happy with the distance and managed some PB’s along the way. I started with the aim of running 3 times a week, looking to achieve 5km on each run. The first 5km was tough, probably my first 5km run in 10 months or more. A couple more 5km in the bag and I wanted to push for some longer runs and managed a 7 & 8 km run before hitting a 10km distance run. First I had done that since running the Glasgow 10km in September 2019. The last 10 km I did took me back with a cold for over a week and that was the last run I got in on this challenge. Fair to say, it was a good kick-start to January and I thoroughly recommend it, not to mention it is a great cause.
Its likely cancer will affect nearly all of us at some point in our lives, either personally or someone you know or love. Despite the threat of COVID-19 it is essential to continue to support charities and the work they do for those affected and their families.
What’s your next challenge? Comment below, I’d love to know.