Press Play, and no doubt you’ve heard the ‘Bring Sally Up’ song before and always wondered who it was, well now you know.
The repetitive lyrics of Flower by Moby AKA Bring Sally Up make it ideal for performing any kind of exercise to it.
Normally performed to anything that has an up and a down, Plank Up/Downs, Squats, Burpees and push-ups are all favourites for this song. If you run Bootcamps or fitness sessions, you need to have this song in your playlist ready for the fun finisher to any group Bootcamp or Circuits session. As this song is normally performed to squats, they will not be expecting the dreaded Burpee.
Bring Sally Up to Burpees and Planks
This Bootcamp activity idea works excellent as a finisher and involves Burpees and a Plank hold at the bottom. n hearing the word ‘down’ the group drop down into a PLANK and on hearing the word ‘up’ it’s Burpee back up (and pretty much back down straight away).
Bring Sally up
Flower – Moby
And bring Sally down
Lift and squat
Gotta tear the ground
This is essentially the lyrics which repeats 30 times, that is 30 Burpees and 30 Planks with a couple of extended plank holds at;
Old Miss Lucy’s dead and gone
Flower – Moby
Left me here to weep and moan
A very simple bootcamp finisher idea and no equipment is required except a stereo to play Flower by Moby (Bring Sally up).
I would always use to parallel lines facing each other however you could set you bootcampers up in a circle, a long line or anything you fancy. As long as they can hear the music and you, it’s all good.
Once all set up, instruct your bootcampers that they will be perfomring two exercise to two key words, those words are ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN. Start standing and when you hear down perform the first part of the Burpee exercise into the plank position and hold the plank until you hear ‘UP’. On hearing ‘UP’ jump out of the plank as if you were doing the second half of the burpee.
By the time they get back up they will be hearing down again.
Bring Sally Up To Burpees and Planks Bootcamp Ideas Bring Sally Up To Burpees and Planks Bootcamp Ideas