4 Reasons to Exercise in the Morning

Why do people always say you should exercise in the morning? It’s not just a myth, it’s actually much better for you and if you’re going to do it, you might as well get it out of the way, right?

Well sure, that’s right but it’s more than just getting it out of the way, it’s about setting you up for the day, it’s about feeding your own needs, nurturing yourself and making yourself more productive. Many Successful people all exercise in the morning, normally for at least an hour and considering their the CEO’s of major companies they still find the time. They find the time because they’ve planned it and it’s part of their routine, that’s the important part, routine. To get something to be part of your routine you need to make a habit and to do that you have to repeat what you do until it sticks. In Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think she discusses habits that both successful and everyday people do before breakfast, exercise is normally part of most peoples get up routine.

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Want to burn more calories? Get up earlier!

Most people would like to lose a few pounds and it really comes down to lifestyle, those that are able to manage their weight have a better and more productive lifestyle than those that struggle! Lifestyle is the activities we do, the things we do, and the food choices we make. Hands down one of the best ways to manage weight issues is to become more active and more than that its about training your metabolism to fire up earlier, to do that you’re going to need to get up & eat!. Yes eat!

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How to start a morning exercise habit

The idea of working out first thing might seem to some like a horrible idea and far away from where you want to be, tucked up warm in your bed! however, research shows that when you exercise in the morning, you’ll be more likely to stick to it and create a habit for a lifetime. This will transform your health, improve your happiness, mood, outlook & overall well being. There’s also something really quite rewarding from getting up and completing a workout before most have had breakfast! If that’s not enough, the whole routine of getting up early and getting to it might surprise you just how much you can actually achieve before breakfast.

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If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it!

Don’t fall into temptation when trying to adjust your eating habits, you can only eat what you have in the house, if you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it! 

Eating habits start with your grocery shopping! Reducing & maintaining weight is about changing your habits, this includes buying your food, food choices, when you eat, how much & how often.

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Ditch the gym in January! Hire a Personal Trainer

Every January we make the same mistakes! Gyms & health clubs love it, they gain and they don’t really care if you stay (they’ve got you in a contract anyway) sometimes up to 18 or 24 months! That’s along time, not to mention the monthly gym fee. It’s even more demoralising when many signed up will rarely stick with it past January.

When you go to sign up at a gym, the question you need to ask yourself is; “what do I want to gain?’. For some, a gym might suit them, if you are relatively self motivated and able to plan your own workouts, you’ll be able to socialise and use expensive gym equipment. If, however you have specific goal, are not very motivated and struggle to find the willpower to workout. Don’t waste your money on an expensive gym contract, you know what is going to happen and the only one who gains, is the gym. The whole point is that YOU gain, YOU benefit and YOU reach your goals.

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