4 Steps to Creating a Passive Income as an Online Personal Trainer
Being an online personal trainer is incredibly rewarding; you’re able to help people that you’d never be able to, without the connectivity of a solid platform like Trainerize, and tools like Skype. It’s financially and intrinsically rewarding, especially for personal trainers who simply want to help their clients lead a healthy lifestyle, providing the knowledge and tools that will change their lives.
You charge for your service, but with a little effort, you can also set up your online training to generate passive income.
Whilst charging for your online training generates direct revenue for the service, you can create the ability to generate passive income both now and in the future with a little work. This is key to providing excellent service while being rewarded through multiple revenue streams while simultaneously offering the client what they want and what will ultimately help them achieve their goals. Likewise, you achieve your role as a lifestyle coach and online trainer.
Creating a Passive Income as an Online Personal Trainer
I’m going to take you through some ways of generating passive income from your online personal training business, I’m not talking about the revenue generated from the actual service, I’m referring to supplementary & passive income.
How can you generate this ‘passive’ income?
Simply, as an affiliate recommending products and services from third parties. If you are currently a personal trainer or online trainer you will no doubt be already getting asked, what equipment, what supplement, where can I get a good yoga mat! Do not waste these opportunities, if you are going to recommend a product you might as well benefit financially from it.
To make money out of your recommendations and product links you will need to have an affiliate’s account connected to the product or service you want to promote. One of the easiest ways to get started is with an Amazon Associates account because Amazon quite literally sells anything, it’s an easy way to get started.
1. Sign up for an Amazon Associates Account
Go to https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/welcome and sign up. it’s important to know which country you are targeting or where your clients reside. Select the country from the drop-down menu. E.G if you and your online clients mostly reside in the US, sign up for a US account, and yes each county has its own Amazon Associates account. This is important because if you recommend a product with a UK based Amazon affiliate account to a US customer, you WILL NOT make an affiliate commission on the sale!
If your clients are worldwide, you will need to sign up for a separate Amazon Affiliates account for each county and supply the links from that country’s Amazon Associates Program.
2. Add links to Training Plans, Workout Templates & Custom Workout Videos
Select products to recommend and add these to your Training Plans, Workout Templates Custom Workout Videos within Trainerize. Any equipment that your client will need, common ones are gym mat, fitness ball etc. Add a required equipment detail to your video, workout template or training plan with a link to Buy from Amazon using the generated link from your Amazon Associate account. This is excellent passive income as the link will be there for all your clients within workout videos. You can recommend specific equipment for the client in their training plan, again with an affiliate link. A personal recommendation from their trainer has very good sway as you are the professional, you know good kit from the bad kit, they will respect your recommendation and your chances of a follow-up sale are good.
Example: Affiliate link in a Trainerize Workout Template
Example: Affiliate link in a Trainerize Training Plan
Example: Affiliate Link in a Trainerize Custom Exercise Video
NOTE: I’ve not detailed exactly how to create an affiliate link in Amazon but it is well documented on Amazon and across the internet. The associates’ platform is intuitive and you shouldn’t have a problem creating your links with no further instruction.
3. Recommend products directly to clients via in-app messaging
If I got a dollar for every time my clients asked me what type of equipment I recommend! Luckily, I do.
When a client askes me my views, opinions and recommendations for personal fitness equipment or supplements I will nearly always send them a message with an affiliate link. You’ll make a little for your efforts and your client will get exactly what they need as recommended by their personal trainer, win, win.
Example: Affiliate Link in a Trainerize Direct Message
4. Add supplement recommendations to a Trainerize custom meal plan
Using the meal plan feature of Trainerize you can upload a PDF for your diet plan, simply add product and supplement recommendations with your affiliate links to the PDF.
Further Options
Now you’ve set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate account and added links to your Online Training Platform for your clients to see and use you’ll soon be making passive income. That’s great but you don’t need to stop there. There are other affiliate platforms where you can become an affiliate for some great fitness brands. Some good platforms to take a look at are;
- Affiliate Window – Sign Up at http://www.affiliatewindow.com/
- Share a Sale – Sign Up at https://www.shareasale.com/
In some cases you can sign up with equipment manufactures directly, for example, this is possible with TRX. You may wish to do this depending on which products you wish to recommend. Sign up at https://www.trxtraining.com/affiliates
Get to it!
This all takes a little upfront work but once done, you’ll be able to generate additional and most important passive income from your online personal training business.