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Housebound and not sure how to exercise and keep active during the coronavirus lockdown?
You are not alone and it’s a challenge we are all facing. However, there are many ways, most of which are even free that will help you and your family keep active, and have fun while we are in lockdown.
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

- Keep a daily routine
- Make the most of your daily exercise
- Take an online exercise class
- Exercise with your family
- Participate in challenges
Keep a daily Routine
Routine is what keeps us on track and if you’ve suddenly found yourself working from home or have been furloughed. Your day to day routine has changed beyond recognition. Whether it’s home schooling the kids, juggling chores or logging into Zoom meetings, things have defiantly changed. Keeping to a daily routine is critical in developing a positive mindset and achieving what you set out to. Yes, this includes exercise but more importantly celebrating small wins and boosting mental wellbeing.
Keeping active during the coronavirus lockdown has become a real challenge, although we are at home with the kids it can actually be harder to find the time, however it’s not impossible. Getting into a structured daily routine is critical.
This all starts from the moment we wake up, an idea I stole long ago was from Tim Ferris and that is to ‘Make your bed’. It is a small win and keeps you in a positive routine. And, from this getting dressed! It’s easy not to make an effort when no one can see you and you can’t go out but this one thing can really make the difference.
Once we have a routine, we can quickly establish a habit, be that good or bad! This is why it’s so important to develop positive habits. A habit is a shortcut, a pre-learned behaviour combing a series of actions. A habit enables us to perform these actions with very little thought or willpower. This, in turn, means we are less likely to object to it or say no, we will just do it. A fine example is brushing your teeth.
Make time for exercise every day that works for your schedule, perhaps in the morning or at lunch. At first, it will be difficult because there is always something more important or pressing to do. However, after time you will make it a priority and make other things work around you and your exercise.
Keeping a positive routine in these uncertain times is not easy, especially if you are not working, Especially where sleep is concerned, if you don’t need to get up you could see your bedtime slip later and later. Having a consistent bedtime is the number one thing to get right. It can affect your weight, mood and mental wellbeing.
Eating is also important, have you skipped breakfast during the lockdown? or missed lunch? That’s because you are out of your normal routine. Firstly, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Second, you need to keep a regular eating routine, this helps maintain a steady metabolism and avoid overeating.
Make the most of your daily exercise
Government guidelines allow for one form of exercise per day per person! Either a walk or cycle. As long as you keep moving and don’t congregate in groups of more than two with people not in your family then we can make the most of this time. Keeping active during the coronavirus lockdown is still possible, even with only one daily form of exercise outside the house.
Don’t just do your normal dog walk, go for a longer walk, try a different route and aim for an hour or maybe a little longer. Walking for an hour should boost your steps by 6000 and up, explore new areas and get some vitamin d.
Dust off the pushbike and go for a cycle, make the most of the opportunity to enjoy a world with less traffic, take time to stop and enjoy the wildlife and spring emerge into a less polluted and quieter world.
Many fitness apps and those especially providing in-home workouts have offered free access for up to 3 months. including FitBit Premium and DownDog, and there are many more to choose from. Take this opportunity to participate in a yoga class with your partner or family, perhaps trying something new.
Take an online exercise class
Fitness instructors, football coaches and many other providers have started to take their classes online, be that a fitness class, a dance class or a maths lesson online. Technology has really helped enable us to stay connected and has helped us to keep active during the coronavirus lockdown. learning new skills, honing existing ones and working out together.
This has also enabled people who would never have thought of doing such a class getting involved and staying active. It is an incredible way to stay disciplined and exercise safely at home. Whether it’s a celebrity like Bear Grylls keeping you active or live classes from your local yoga instructor, there are now more accessible ways than ever to keep fit and active at home.
Support your local instructors and join in with their classes, many offer a donation system or small fee or even free. There really is no excuse!
Exercise with your family
Accountability is the number one factor for reaching any goal and if it’s fun and enables you to spend time with the family, even better. Whether it’s joining a family exercise class, creating a circuit workout or playing games in the garden there are plenty of ways to exercise. Don’t do it alone, embrace this unique situation where your family is together and let’s keep active during the coronavirus lockdown.
Family exercise always used to be one of the more difficult things to achieve, through work commitments, clubs, activities, homework, school and college commitments. Families are always busy. This uncertain situation despite its negatives has brought families together for a rare opportunity to spend time together and exercise. It could be joining in with a family PE session with Joe Wicks or Mr Motivator
Participate in challenges
Creativity has been at the forefront as a result of this lockdown, challenges are being set. Whether it’s walking or running a 5k and donating to charity as with the ‘run 5, donate 5 challenge’ or maybe your child soccer coach is setting skills challenges and many more to choose from. Join in, why not, When else when you get the time to get involved, get active and even raise some money towards the coronavirus fight.
Have a scroll through your social media feed and no doubt you will see some kind of challenge as a result of the lockdown, not all exercise-related. It could be a creative challenge. either-way get involved, it’s great for mental well-being and will keep you active and help you and your family learn new skills.
Fitness and exercise challenges have always been popular and even more so now exercise is becoming ‘the challenge’ Whether a 28-day challenge or monthly themed challenges there are plenty of ways to get active, build strength and fitness and progress your strength or flexibility.
Any situation brings opportunities and despite the coronavirus situation disturbing so many of our lives, it’s really grounded us all, made us be thankful for so man key workers and it feels like a sense of ‘community’ has been reborn. People are saying thank you, we are grateful for what we have and the love and support of those we rely on have never been greater.
You are amazing, I hope this has provided some simple ideas to help you keep active during the coronavirus lockdown. Please do comment and let me know some ideas of your own and how you have been keeping active.