The TRX Suspension Trainer

by doctorjeal
1 comment 1 minutes read
The TRX Suspension Trainer Image

The TRX Suspension Trainer typically just called the ‘TRX’ was born in the US military-driven through the need for marines to be able to continue their workouts while in away in war zones or held up in safe houses.

The piece of kit that the founder of this product ‘Randy Hetrick’ and his team had produced enabled them to train anywhere, therefore enabling them to stay in shape and fit for their roles as US Navy Seals. The product has been much refined since it’s early days when it was just some lengths of parachute webbing stitched together. Today’s TRX Suspension Trainer’s are at the forefront of fitness innovation providing a cost-effective tool that can be used in so many locations and using only bodyweight for an all-over body workout.

TRX Training – GO Suspension Trainer Kit

We love the TRX, it’s super portable which means our trainers can easily take it with them to clients homes, or out on a run and quickly hook it up to a tree for some cross-training. The TRX can be used for many sport-specific movements making it an ideal choice for our trainers when it comes to specific training goals from our clients in sporting disciplines.

I would often recommend that my clients purchase their own TRX, this can be used for their own workouts, they can also easily take it away with them when working away or on holiday.

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1 comment

How do you set up a TRX into single-handed mode? | DoctorJeal February 8, 2020 - 2:44 pm

[…] have been exploring the wide range of exercise that are possible. Many TRX exercise requires the TRX Suspension Trainer to be in ‘single-handed mode’, it is very quick to get the TRX into this mode once you […]


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