Top 5 Personal Training Books

by doctorjeal
0 comments 7 minutes read
Top 5 Personal Training Books

I strongly believe in continuous development. For personal trainers and fitness instructors, passing your personal training exams and being awarded your accreditation as a qualified personal trainer or fitness instructor is just the start of your professional career and professional development as an expert in health, fitness and exercise.

There are so many resources, books, blogs, podcasts and online courses that can further your development, one of the first things I did after passing my personal training exams was hit up Amazon to buy some books, I wanted to know everything I could and these included niche training areas from functional fitness to training elderly clients.

To get you started I have out together a list of 5 books to get you started, from you here you can build upon your professional development with a variety of educational resources. My advice is no matter how busy you get, try a carve out sometime each week for professional development, it could be reading a book, listening to a podcast or attending a conference or training day.






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