- What do you charge when they want to buy more
- A good deal will spread and you will soon have high demand
- one hours PT is at least one and half hours sometimes 2 hours work (consider long term planning, planning each session, keeping paper work organised and travel to and from your client)
If very cheap personal training is offered by a mobile personal trainer it won’t be long before they realise it’s unsustainable and if they believe it is sustainable, quality is going to suffer and they are likely to burn out. This results in low quality “sweat sessions” not a long term well planned programme of training to get the client to their goals. I call them sweat sessions as they require no thought, no planning just an ability to pick some exercises that will make their client sweat for an hour (not really a high vale service a client would expect). There are situations within a gym or health club where offering personal training services as a form of added value where the trainer is employed by the facility, this works as the trainer has a guaranteed income. This can also work if the trainer is self employed and pays a rent but it’s going to be hard work ans they are likely to burn out.