A popular route from Maybole, featured on the Walking Highlands website and Ayrshire Paths website, the route is a simple circuit route and at a distance to make it achievable for many makes it both easy to accomplish and to access with it’s start point of Maybole Train station
Despite the easy terrain on this walk, it is mostly on paved roads or dirt tracks, it’s a fair distance and a good workout. The paved roads allow for a faster pace if you are so inclined or a nice leisurely stroll without distraction from navigation as it is quite a simple loop.
Only a short distance from Maybole yet the roads you will be walking o are extremely quiet, and it is very peaceful. A great route to get away from the crowds at other popular walking spots.

Walk Details
- Start/Finish: Maybole Train Station
- Distance: 9.8km
- Ascent: 264m
- Map: OS Explorer Map (326) Ayr and Troon (sponsored link)
- Walk Date: 17th April 2021
Turn by Turn Directions
Stage 3

Stage 1
From Maybole Train Station, cross the road and enter the park, crossing the green and via School Vennal, a wide lane to the high street.
Turn right on to the high street and follow, then shortly after Maybole Arms, take Corel Glen that veers left off the high street and downhill.
The road curves round the the left and further downhill.
Stage 2
Take the right onto Allan’s Hill, uphill and past Our Lady and St Cuthbert’s Parish on your right.
Views of the Ayrshire countryside emerge and the first view of the Monument.
Stage 3

Follow the quiet country road via a small Ford and over a railway bridge of the railway line to Stranraer.
After a short distance a signposted track to the right towards Kildoon Hill emerges. Take the track and start a small accent.

Stage 4
Follow the track uphill and you will be greeted with a glimpse of the Monument sitting on top of Kildoon Hill, your destination clear to see.

The track ends at a gate in front of you and to your left, ahead is your route after your retrace your steps, however, you will now take the kissing gate to your left and head to the crest of the hill where a clear view of the Monument will appear.
Stage 5
If you have a dog with you then please put them on a lead as livestock grazes this area. Head towards the Monument and enjoy panoramic views including Maybole to your left.

Stage 6

Spend some time enjoying the panoramic views over the Ayrshire countryside before retracing your steps back to the track.
Stage 7

Take the gate to your left where you are greeted with a fence and a drystone wall, the patch continues straight ahead however is overgrown and impassable at places and you will need to move to the other side of the wall and continue your descent towards the road.
Stage 8
Navigation is now very simple, turn left on to the quiet country road and skirting around the bottom of the hill, turning left and making your way up the road, you will pass the track you took on the accent of the hill. Now simply retrace your steps back to Maybole train station.