Why you SHOULD be eating Breakfast

by doctorjeal
1 comment 4 minutes read
Preparing breakfast in the morning article image

Most people would like to lose a few pounds, and it comes down to lifestyle, those that can manage their weight have a better and more productive lifestyle than those that struggle! Lifestyle is the activities we do, the things we do, and the food choices we make. Hands down one of the best ways to manage weight issues are to become more active and more than that it’s about training your metabolism to fire up earlier, to do that you’re going to need to get up & eat!. Yes eat!

As soon as we are up and about our energy systems fire up yet until we have something to eat our metabolism won’t truly fire up. If you get up early but miss out breakfast, you’re missing an opportunity!

Remember metabolism only works when you eat and when you move, to keep it high you need to do both! Eating enough and often enough is where most dieters have a huge problem, as they stop eating very often. This has the reverse effect slowing metabolism and burning fewer calories, so get up, have breakfast and get moving. Simple!

As far as healthy eating tips go, eating breakfast is nothing new, I’m sure you have heard it all before, it’s quite likely someone has told you “you really should eat breakfast if you want to lose weight” a smart person they are too. The advice is often not received, and I am baffled as to why? It makes no sense not to eat breakfast, well perhaps it’s knowledge that is the problem so let me help fill that gap and hopefully make some better decisions with your diet & nutrition.

Let’s start with why!

Looking at the issue from a logical point of view, by the time we wake up most of us should have had a healthy 7 to 8 hours of sleep, so that’s 7-9 hours of not eating, consuming or refuelling. Don’t panic, your body was in standby mode and therefore was burning much less energy however now you have got up and started burning fuel again.

To function normally, eating breakfast is what’s needed to kick-start your metabolism and to get all your systems running healthy, without it, your body is going to stay in starvation mode! That’s burning as little calories as possible to survive, your body, after all, is designed to survive, it’s incredible at adapting and will do this very well. However, I’m sure if you are looking to lose weight you are going to want your body to burn more calories, use fat and reduce weight. Well, the truth is, if you don’t eat breakfast it’s going be very hard to achieve that.

Take this example, of how you drive your car. If your car is low on fuel and a fuel station is not that close you are going to start driving your car conservatively to conserve fuel, so no hard accelerating low speeds and all to save fuel. That’s precisely what your body is doing before it get’s breakfast, the sooner we refuel, the sooner we can start driving normally again.

Now what should we eat

To be honest it doesn’t really matter, obviously a massive fry up or a bacon sandwich every morning is a concern so be sensible. The point is at this time of day nearly everything you eat will be turned into energy, your breakfast can be large, a large selection of breakfast foods from toast to fruit, yoghurt and cereal. Why not mix and match! Take your time over breakfast, enjoy and restart your fuel system and fire up your metabolism for the day.

Why don’t we?

I believe the biggest reason we don’t eat as we should in the morning is time, we just don’t have much time or we don’t plan well enough. If you have to get up earlier, do it and that’s even better as you will burn more calories.

We make time for what’s important to us! Make eating breakfast something that’s is part of your lifestyle and you believe in and you’ll make the time and start the day right.


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1 comment

Why you Should STOP for Lunch | August 22, 2019 - 7:04 pm

[…] like some people will skip breakfast, some people will skip lunch! Too busy, not enough time, forgot! Too much to do and many more […]


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