28 Burpee Variations

by doctorjeal
2 comments 4 minutes read
Photo of a women perfoming a burpee exercise in a gym

So, you are looking to spice up the Burpee and I have 28 variations for you to try. The burpee, you would think would more than enough but there comes a point through natural progression and sport-specific training when adapting it not only adds variety but keeps us on our toes (literally).

I’m love to see exercise variations and whenever I see one on Instagram, I save it. Here is that saved list of 28 Burpee variations.

Ever wondered why it’s called a burpee? Click and find out.

Title image for 28 burpee variations showing a women performing a burpee exercise
28 Burpee Variations

The burpee features in my February Burpee Challenge, called #FEBURPEE (see what I did there?). It has 3 levels and 3 standard burpee variations to choose from. Check it out and join in via this link. Or if you want to start a 28 Day Burpee challenge anywhen. Check out my 28 Day Burpee Challenge.

What is a burpee?

A functional metabolic exercise, that combines exercise patterns from some core exercises. Starting with a SQUAT to the ground and a double footed kick-back (SQUAT THRUST) to a Push-Up or to the floor and then double foot jump back (SQUAT THRUST) and a jump with feet of the ground to finish. Phew, it’s exhausting just talking about it.

You can see it is a very dynamic exercise and if you check out my post on Why is it called a Burpee?. You will understand it was actually developed as a fitness test, anyone that has done a Burpee will know it is indeed very testing!

The 28 Burpee Variations

This by no means is an exhaustive list, but it’s a pretty good start and I really like some of these variations. If you find others, please do comment with your suggestions.

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