Group exercise is no doubt an excellent choice for keeping fit, you will find something that interests you whether it’s a Bootcamp, Circuits Class, Zumba Class, Pilates, Yoga, HIIT or Boxing sessions. There certainly is plenty to choose from. A structured group exercise session led by a fitness professional is also a great place to start if you are new to exercise. Not only will it be safe and progressive, and it is also very sociable and a great way to meet new and likeminded people, possibly on a similar journey to yourself.
You now also have the choice of Online Group Fitness Session via ZOOM sessions, something that has recently taken off since COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown.
You can find a local session or an online streaming session through an online directory like or via your local gym, fitness centre, studio or personal trainer.
But! Are you ready and is it for you? The good news is you’ll likely find a class for your fitness level however you will need to jump through a few hoops and this guide will help you understand what to expect when getting involved with group exercise.

Are you ready for group exercise?
Before you start a class or group exercise session for the first time, you will need to complete a short health & medical questionnaire to ensure you are ready for exercise and are aware of the effects of strenuous activity. This provides the instructor with an opportunity to gain further knowledge about your health history and any current or previous injuries that we may need to know about before taking part in your session.
There are good reasons for completing a PARQ form and you should always provide honest and accurate information.
What to expect
If you are attending your first session with a group exercise provider, you might need to arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of the session to allow you to complete the medical questionnaire called a PARQ (Pre Activity Readiness Questionnaire). In some circumstances, it may be necessary to obtain clearance from your GP that you are ready to exercise.
This form might also be presented via a digital form or might be part of the forms when you joined your gym or fitness centre.
Often the Instructor might ask if you have any medical conditions that they need to be aware of, this is called a verbal PARQ and is only really relevant to the session in which they ask. This is common practice after a physical or digital PARQ form has already been completed and allows you the opportunity to update your instructor in any changes to your health or medication etc, Offccourse this is done in private if required.
Go and find a group exercise class and take a look online and take part in the comfort of your lounge.