Table of Contents
In this short ‘n’ sweet Biceps superset workout we will be adopting an advanced training technique called supersets, this is where you work the same muscle group in two consecutive exercises with little to no rest. The muscles will be worked to failure in order to achieve maximum muscle tearing and damage to stimulate muscle fibre growth.
The workout consists of 4 supersets equating to 8 different exercises for your arms, we will be aiming to perform 3 to 4 sets of each superset. No weight has been indicated, therefore select a weight which is heavy and you can just about do 8 repetitions. No rest between each superset exercise and rest for 1 minute or more between actual supersets.
As the name suggests this is a short workout, if you only have 20 or 30 minutes and want to really hit the Biceps then this biceps superset workout will do the trick. The short workout makes use of some high/low pulley and a pull-up bar so check your gym has these.

Workout Details
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Muscle Group: Arms
- Muscles: Biceps Brachi
This is a gym based or advanced home gym workout.
- High/Low pulley cable machine or similar
- Pull up Bar
- Weights Bench
- Pair of Dumbbells (Why do we call them dumbbells?)
Get the heart going and loosen up your joints by making sure you do a quick 8-10 minute warm-up, you can essentially use any piece of cardiovascular equipment, although I would recommend the cross-trainer as it is dynamic and really good for loosening up your joints. Work at a moderate pace and resistance.
Main Workout
Super Set #1
1. Straight Bar Cable Biceps Curl – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. Hammer Cable Biceps Curl Rope – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
Rest for one minute & repeats set for desired amount of sets
Super Set #2
1. Laying Cable Biceps Curl (Straight Bar) – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. Laying Cable Reverse Grip Biceps Curl (Straight Bar) – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
Rest for one minute & repeats set for desired amount of sets
Super Set #3
1. Seated Dumbbell Biceps Hammer Curl – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curl – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
Rest for one minute & repeats set for desired amount of sets
Super Set #4 (Optional)
1. Biceps Pull Up – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. Reverse Grip Biceps Pull Up – 3/4 sets of 6-8 reps
Rest for one minute & repeats set for desired amount of sets
Cool Down
Pick any piece of cardiovascular equipment and cool down for 5-10 minutes at a moderate to low pace and resistance.
Once cooled down finish off with some stretches, as we have only used our arms, this is what we will focus our stretching on. Hold all stretches for 15-20 seconds.
- Biceps Wall Stretch
- Overhead Triceps Stretch
- Cross Body Shoulder Stretch
- Chest Stretch
- Angry Cat Back Stretch