What Size Fitness Ball Do I Need?

by doctorjeal
0 comments 2 minutes read
What Size Fitness Ball Do I Need_

Yes! Fitness and Exercise Balls do come in different sizes, so, what size fitness ball do you need?

Although it seems logical any fitness ball will be fine, this is not the case. Just like you you need to set up your office chair or driver’s seat in your car in the correct position. The same is true for exercising on a Fitness ball and ensuring it is the correct size for your height.

As you will learn in most cases the ball size is suited to your height however some exercises might require you to use a smaller or larger ball.

Check The Size!

What Size Fitness Ball Do I Need Title_
What Size Fitness Ball Do I Need Title_

As a guide, when you sit down on the fitness ball, your legs should be at a 90-degree angle, feet flat on the floor with your thighs parallel to the floor. Another way to check is that the ball should be about knee height when standing next to it.

Did you know! When you sit on a #FitnessBall, your knees should be at right angles. Share on X
Above: Correct siting position on a Fitness Ball

Now let’s get technical

In short, your legs should be at 90 degrees while seated on the Fitness Ball. The list below is a good reference to check what size ball you should be using for your height.

  • If your height is Under 5’ you will need a 45cm ball
  • If your height is between 5’1 to 5’8 you will need a 55cm ball
  • If your height is between 5’9 to 6’2 you will need a 65cm ball
  • If your height is between 6’3 to 6’7 you will need a 75cm ball
  • If your height is Over 6’8 you will need an 85cm ball

Next time you’re in the gym and you pick up the fitness ball, make sure it’s the correct size.

As a general rule, people who are overweight, new to exercise or if you are e trying out an exercise for the first time would benefit from using a larger and slightly under-inflated ball as under-inflated balls will be more stable.

Advanced users would benefit from smaller and firmly inflated fitness balls as this creates greater instability in the ball making all exercises performed upon them more demanding. The fitness ball is also known by other names, including most commonly; exercise ball and swiss ball

Who knew? Now I know what size #Fitnessball I need. Share on X

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