If you don’t have time to workout, you haven’t made it a priority
Daniel Jeal
Have you every said;
I don’t have time to exercise
I like to quote Henry Ford in this sort of situation with the quote
whenever you think you can or when you think you can, you’re right
Henry Ford
Stop thinking with the “I don’t” ” I can’t” and start to think with the “I will” ” I can” and you will soon be finding time to exercise.
The truth is,
it is not that you do not have time to workout,
it is that you simply have not made it a priority!
We make time for the things that are important to us! FACT.

I often hear people saying they only have 10 minutes, so they can’t do anything. 10 minutes is perfect, get down and do a little core workout or take the time to do some full-body stretching, in your lunch break, before or after work. You don’t need to join a gym either, depending on your fitness level start going for a short walk or run, slowly increase it, if your only out for 15 minutes then it’s a start and more importantly your doing something.