Table of Contents
Taking part in regular exercise often has it’s barriers whether that’s down to opportunity, finance or resources yet some of the most common reasons are related to fear of not being fit enough or able to take part in the exercise in the first place.
I’m not fit enough to exercise
many, many people
How mind-boggling is the phrase “I’m not fit enough to exercise”? It makes little sense, yet it’s often the reason for not participating in regular exercise. Here are a couple of examples you probably wouldn’t say, but essentially, are the same thing;
- I’m not dehydrated enough to drink
- I’m not clever enough to learn
- I’m not fluent in Spanish enough to learn Spanish
Mad, right!
When we say ‘i’m not fit enough to exercise’, we are comparing our level or ability to do something against the solution to increasing that level or ability, it is a very odd statement. However, there are various reasons why people believe this statement to be true, these includes;

Perceived View = Everyone in the session or activity is going to be super slim, super fit and I will look out of place!
Reality = Many people exercise to get fit, lose weight and make friends and everyone starts at a different level. There are always many different shapes and sizes in any exercise session or activity, and many reasons for being there. Mental wellbeing and social interaction are more common than losing weight. It is, however, a welcome outcome. Not everyone is there to look like Beyonce.
The Unknown
Perceived View = You do not know what the session is like or if you will be able to complete it.
Reality = Exercise is progressive, with many levels of intensity and in many forms. Exercise sessions are designed to challenge everyone and there are always alternatives to any exercise or activity. And there will almost certainly be people in the same boat as you at any session.
I Can’t Do It!
Often we just don’t think we can’t do anything! Yet in most cases, we are yet to try! If we haven’t tried, we can not possibly know if we can do it or not, there is a high chance we might fail. It is perfectly normal to fail and that is how perfection is obtained. Through practice and repetition.
Tiger woods didn’t hit a perfect shot first time.
As a fitness professional and a personal trainer, I used to hear these words, a lot. My answer would be, have you tried? And even if they had tried and failed the phrase’ I can’t do it’ is still not valid. You are not able to do it, yet! But you will.
NEVER say “I Can’t”
Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right!
Henry Ford
How to overcome these barriers
We are all susceptible to thinking we are not fit enough or not able to do something. So what can you do?
Exercise with a friend
The easiest way to overcome any of these barriers is to experience it with a friend, if you are looking to try a new exercise session, get fitter, Exercising with a friend is always a great idea, It brings you back into your comfort zone with motivation and encouragement from friends.
It’s also a brilliant way to keep you accountable and help you to stick to your new exercise habits.

You ARE fit enough to exercise!
The mind can be a right bitch! Always telling you you are not good enough, you can’t do it, you aren’t fit enough. Visualising horrible outcomes in any situation. This is NORMAL.
Think about it, it makes sense. It is sound thinking if we want to survive!
We forget sometimes that we are machines made for survival and although we live in the modern world, no one has told our brains that! Your brain still thinks we are in a world of constant life and death struggle.
However, you can control these emotions and you CAN exercise, you are fit enough, you are strong enough.
Here is another great qoute.
You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.
Zig Ziglar
Feel free to comment, I’d love to hear your feedback, questions and stories of you have overcome your fears.