Super Full Body At-Home Workout

by doctorjeal
0 comments 8 minutes read

Short and super! This workout included supersets of working for the same muscle group in succession with little to no rest between exercises. Supersets make the exercise more intense and are therefore considered to be an exercise training method for intermediate levels of fitness and ability.

This workout is very simple and is designed for the home environment with no equipment.

Isometric Heaven Core Circuit Workout


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Super Full Body Workout

Standard Set 1

Step Ups (Staircase)1 set x 2 minutes Steady Warm Up
Warm Up Exercise

Super Set 1 – 3 Sets of 12

Half Press Up12
Triceps Dips (bent knees)12
Super Set 1 – 3 Rounds of 3 Reps

Standard Set 2

High Knees4 sets x 30 sec with 15-sec rest
Warm Up Exercise

Super Set 2 – 3 Sets of 12

Lateral Squat12
Super Set 1 – 3 Rounds of 12 Reps

Standard Set 3

Standing Walk Out4 sets x 1-minute work with 30 sec rest
Metabolic Exercise

Super Full Body At-Home Workout Exercise Videos

Step Ups (Staircase)

Half Push Up

Half Push Up Exercise

Triceps Dips (Bent Knees)

Triceps Dips (Bent Knees)

High Knees

High Knees Exercise

Squat Exercise

Lateral Squat Exercise

Lateral Squat Exercise

Standing Walkout Exercise

Standing Walkout Exercise

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