
28 Day Plank Challenge Day 6
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28 Day Plank Challenge Day 6

Plank Challenge Day 6 Targets
Day 6 of #28DayPlankChallenge Another 20, 40 or 60 seconds plank. Small things make a big impact. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just achievable.
- Level 1 = 20 seconds
- Level 2 = 40 seconds
- Level 3 = 60 seconds (1min)
Level 1 = 20 seconds plank (1 point)
20 second Plank done for #28DayPlankChallenge. Share on XLevel 2 = 40 seconds plank (2 points)
40 second Plank done for #28DayPlankChallenge. Share on XLevel 3 = 60 seconds plank (3 points)
60 second Plank done for #28DayPlankChallenge. Share on XBONUS Points
- Half Plank | +1 points
- Full Plank (on forearms or straight arms) | + 2 points
- Plank Up/Downs | +3 points